A great project for the wonderful guys at Nike that is very close to my heart given I used to play Basketball when I was young.
In this particular piece I only played an art design role that evolved all the way thorughout the job and didn’t manage to be on set, but still I feel very much part of it (even if small)
These were the original concepts I produced in Photoshop
Also, I did some research on the envioronments and ended up being inspired by this particular photo.
On the set, I designed the shoot to have a witness camera approach and we put together the main camera plus 3 witnesses to assist in the camera match move.
Regarding the camera matchmove and given we were using a mix of 3DEqualizer and PFTrack, i wrote a script for 3DE to export the data back and forth to and from PFTrack that allowed us to get the best of both worlds. For this, having the witness cameras was fantastic.
Finally, the effect did evolve into a more magical particle based system that answered the brief.
Director: David Rosenbaum
Agency: Nike
Production: Nike
Task: Concept Art / Tracking R&D